Friday, 8 September 2017

The elephant's Trump

In politics, you might remember the phrase "Deep Throat".
It was basically a snitch in the Nixon administration.
To speed up the story and to explain the name, to give oral sex to a man is a way to see if (a) they are heterosexual and (b) to see if they are telling the truth.
It is a passionate form of interrogation, known as hardcore.
As demeaning as it is.
It is a tactic used by DJs to find dubs in music.
A dub is a muted record UNDER a recorded session of Satanic, homosexual sex.
A master dubber, such as the one and only Jimmy Iovine, can get to the bottom of a record, and manifest melodies on top.
These melodies then get physically recorded by adequate musicians.

Back to politics.

Deep Throat was the hardcore tactic of interrogation of SEVERAL politicians.
However, the oral sex part was taken too literally.
And lightly.
So now, it's something done casually.

Freemasons, Masonic Lodge Members and The Skulls reigned on Earth before the arrival of aliens (SEGA) and the descent of John Nintendo (our creator).
They are different from The Illuminati.
When sixes were in space, their Excalibur (swords, or arrows), were already being seen on Earth.
More than just the presence of The All Seeine Eye on the ship.
Those of whom followed the light and associated six with Satan/Satanism came together and started a unit.
The earliest Illuminati members were African American.

And this is all I can say for now.

-so mote it be

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